Boreholes Projects

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Kadibo division is in Nyando District, Kisumu County in west of Kenya. The local residents used to rely heavily on agriculture and fishing for their livelihood. This is not possible any more due to shortage of rainfall. Apart from the poverty that has been exacerbated by the lack of rainfall, rivers have dried up and drinking water is scarce. Women and school girls have to walk great distance to fetch water. With the help of the local community and maturer students who have received college scholarship, Makodeny is making boreholes that will bring safe drinking water nearer the community. This water is used not only for consumption, but also to irrigate small-sized gardens where vegetables for home consumption can be grown.

You could help drill many more boreholes for many poor communities. We all know that water is a precious and essential component for our survival. Kindly provide this necessary component to poor communities in developing countries.