Educational Projects

Below are the remarks of students who have completed their training or are still at school.

Patrick Lumumba

I am now an ambassador of Makodeny foundation. Without this foundation I would have not started and completed a 4 years’ course in bachelor degree in theology at Meru University in Arusha Tanzania. I am now supporting a poor student to attend a secondary education.

Martin Okuto  Completed a Certificate Course: Mechanical Engineering (Production)

“In 2003 I obtained a certificate in mechanical engineering (production). Makodeny Foundation paid my polytechnic college fee for 3 years.  I am very thankful to this organisation. Now I am working and supporting a poor student in a secondary school.”

Maureen AkinyiGraduaded as Primary teacher

“My father passed away leaving my mother with 3 children and no means of income. My eldest brother had dropped out of school even before my father died. Now it has only become worse and I knew there was no way I was going to attend secondary school for it is expensive. Secondary education is a 4 years’ course. Makodeny made it all possible. I finished secondary school and further graduated as a primary school teacher. I am grateful and hope to be employed by the government and reciprocate by assisting a poor student”.

Peter Ong’anySecondary School Sctudent- Form2

“I am from a family of 4 children. Both my parents are not alive. I completed my primary education in 2010 but due to lack of school fees, I was forced to repeat the same class even though I had performed very well. In the year 2011 I passed again. Unfortunately there was nobody to assist me until I heard of Makodeny. I applied for scholarship and now I am in school working very hard to seize this rare opportunity that I have been given.”

Kevin Odhiambo-Secondary School Student -Form 3

“I am a form three student. We are a family of 4 and my parents past away in the year 2004. I was at home wondering what my future will be like until Makodeny came to my rescue.”

Labenda Achieng’Secondary School Student – Form 4

“I was not going to school. My farther died 8 years ago and my mother could not afford school fees in a secondary school. We do struggle everyday to make ends meet and school fees was out of question – until Makodeny came along.” I’ve done exams this year and look forward to a brighter future.

You could assist many more youth attend school. You could also help the above complete school and college. They will be as grateful as you have seen above. They will also help other poor youth after they make it which is the sustainability factor of Makodeny. Please DONATE